Do you want a Social Security Attorney or a Video Screen?

October 6, 2010 – Lyle B. Masnikoff

There has been a recent law suit regarding a big name national firm against the Social Security Administration. The firm is requesting for Social Security to allow them to conduct three way video hearings. This means the ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) would be at one location, the claimant at another location and the representative in a third location. The Judge and attorney would appear at the hearing via a video screen or TV. The Claimant would be sitting in the Social Security office by themselves.

Perhaps many of these claimants would never meet their attorney or representative. From my experience meeting with the claimant prior to a hearing is so beneficial in that you get to experience the claimant walking, standing, sitting, doing everything the ALJ will see them do. A lot of the claimants are confused in the Social Security process and meeting with their representative prior to hearing you can explain to them what will happen and clear away some of their confusion or uncertainty.

Of course a three way video conference will reduce travel costs and reduce the number of representatives needed to handle the case load in the end keeping costs down but is it really fair to the claimants. Would a Claimant prefer to hire an attorney to sit next to them during the Court Hearing or a video screen?

If you have any questions about applying or appealing for Social Security Disability Benefits, please do not hesitate to contact Attorney Lyle B. Masnikoff at (772) 461-9181(772) 461-9181.

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