Who pays for your workers compensation claim?

April 30, 2013 – Lyle B. Masnikoff

Who pays for your workers compensation claim?

The employers pay for these benefits depending on the law of the state. It is not necessary that the benefits received under workers compensation always come from your employer. In fact state government, an insurance company hired by your employer or a third party administrator also hired by the employer pay for the workers compensation claim depending upon the state law. Regardless of whoever pays for the claim, the benefits that you receive remain the same. Here are a few important things that one needs to know about the source;

State-run programs

In some states, it is mandatory to obtain workers compensation insurance through a state run program. Usually the employers with few workplace injuries choose to go for these programs. The employers pay the premiums to the state which in turn provides the benefits to the claimants.

Insurance companies

Most of the states allow buying workers compensation insurance from private insurance companies. These companies receive premiums from the employer and in turn provide the workers compensation benefits.

Self insurance

In case the company i self is financially strong and can demonstrate to the state that it has sufficient assets to cover the expected workers’ compensation liability, they can get the permission to handle the job themselves. Some companies that go for this option hire a third-party administrator deals with the paperwork, claims processing, and management of the claims.

Professionals at Lyle B. Masnikoff and Associates, P.A will fight to get you the medical or wage benefits you are entitled to under the law. Employers and Insurance Companies have professionals working for them and there are no fees or costs until you recover. It‘s time for you to hire us to protect your rights.

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