Social Media: Its Not Just Your Friends Looking at You
July 24, 2014 – Lyle B. Masnikoff
In today’s mass media world we are able to share information, pictures, status updates, etc… at the drop of a hat. Social Media has given us the tools to be more connected to loved ones that may not be in the same city, county, state, or even country. It is a great tool and avenue for communication but in today’s world, it is not just your friends and family paying attention to your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts. There could be people you don’t even know who have an interest in what your posting. Especially if you have an open workers compensation claim.
While it is fun to post pictures and status updates of what your doing and what your thinking, it could have adverse effects upon your workers’ compensation claim. While insurance carriers often employ private investigators to follow you, they have recently added a new weapon to their arsenal. Your social media account. Today more and more insurance companies are looking up injured workers social media accounts. Depending on your privacy settings they may be seeing everything you post. While to you, it may seem harmless and have no effect on your case, to an insurance carrier, defense attorney, and possibly a judge, your actions could be seen in a different context and in direct contrast to the type of injuries your claiming. One of the first things you should do if you’re filing a claim is to deactivate or suspend all social media accounts. This might seem like a drastic measure, but it’s the best way to protect yourself. At the very least, it’s important to check privacy settings and be wary of any new friend requests so that those you don’t know can’t see what you post online.
We would love to discuss your case and explain how to better protect your claim from uninvited, but not illegal, insurance company intrusion. This is why it is important to hire a workers’ compensation attorney who handles these types of situations and knows what your entitled to. If you or someone you know is in this situation, please give us a call at (772) 461-9181(772) 461-9181.
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