Our Firm will not Fill our Pockets with a Percentage of Your PIP Benefits

January 25, 2013 – Lyle B. Masnikoff

There are no shortage of PIP attorneys and PIP firms out there that keep a percentage of whatever PIP benefits and interest they secure for their clients for themselves. At the Law Offices of Lyle B. Masnikoff & Associates, P.A., we find this to be offensive. We feel that since your clinic performed medical services on your patient, then your clinic is entitled to all the PIP benefits we are able to secure for you.

The Florida PIP Law Says

Florida Statute Section 627.736(8) and 627.428 apply to PIP claims, and makes it so the insurance companies have to pay for our legal fees and costs. So when we win a PIP suit filed on your behalf, or settle the case with your authorization, we collect our attorney’s fees and costs directly from the insurance companies and never from your clinic. That is how we receive compensation for the work that we do for you. So if the Law Offices of Lyle B. Masnikoff & Associates, P.A secure you $10,000.00 plus interest in a PIP suit, you will be getting the full $10,000.00 plus interest, and not a penny less.

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