What should you do if you fall victim to a workplace injury? Tips by a Miami Workers Compensation Lawyer

January 19, 2013 – Lyle B. Masnikoff

Many times an injured worker delays reporting the injury to the employer, the insurance company can deny the claim on the grounds that the injury was not reported in time. Hence the employee who has suffered from a workplace injury should follow the correct reporting procedures set in by the employer and report the injury ion immediate basis. At the times, the worker delays seeking medical service, it is essential to seek guidance from one’s supervisor and get proper medical treatment.

It is very important to follow the guidelines provided by the doctor. For example, is the doctor has put some limitations or restrictions on lifting, they should be strictly followed. Otherwise it can lead to denial of the claim or a reduction in benefits.

After n injury has occurred and reported, the insurance company adjustor will contact the injured worker to get his statement. The worker has all the right to seek legal advice. In case he worker has contacted a legal advisor, the insurance adjustor will not contact him directly and all the proceedings will be carried out through the legal advisor.

Throughout the healing process, the progress will be closely monitored both by he physician as well as the insurance adjustor. The goal here is to get the worker back to work as soon as possible. Finally, if an injured worker is not getting the attention required to quickly get back to work they should consult with either their states department of labor, other workers compensation governing body or an attorney for advice on their rights regarding their injury. No one wins when a claim goes bad!

The attorneys at Lyle B. Masnikoff and Associates have tremendous experience in workers’ compensation law and maintain a high standard of excellence in the representation of injured workers. They are dedicated to assisting the clients fight for their rights and benefits and go to great lengths to solve their problems.

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