What You Need to Know About A Nurse Case Manager

May 7, 2022 – Lyle B. Masnikoff

What You Need to Know About A Nurse Case Manager, FL

Many times, we will get a call from a potential new client who says, I went to the doctor’s appointment. And there was a nurse waiting there from the insurance company. And the nurse came into the room with me with the doctor. And then afterwards, the nurse started talking to the doctor, the doctors assistants got all my reading records. And I did just didn’t seem right. And, but most people don’t understand what their rights are under the law. And so they just let those kinds of things happen all the time. And what you need to understand and what you wouldn’t understand unless you had an attorney to advise you of what the law is, is that the nurse case managers that are hired by the insurance companies to go to these appointments, to try to steer the doctors into releasing you to back to work or not recommending as much treatment, they’re actually not allowed in the room with you. And we instruct our clients to tell the doctor that they don’t want anybody else in the room, and the doctor will then kick the nurse case manager out of the rooms and then not be involved in the examination. Also, these nurse case managers tried to schedule your appointments are calling you all the time trying to get information from you. And when people hire us, the first thing that we do is contact a nurse case manager and tell them look, we don’t want you have any contact with our clients. If you want to schedule an appointment, you call our office we’ll be happy to get the appointment scheduled so our client can get to the doctors, but these people work for the insurance company. They’re there to help the insurance company and you need to understand that which is why we highly recommend that you get an attorney as soon as you have an accident

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